Specializing in Horizontal Directional Drilling

Connecting Communities across North America

Generations of Experience

With over 15 years experience connecting North Americians, Rohl Projects Inc. can tackle any size project, in any terrain, with the highest standards. RPI provides underground fibre optic solutions that North Americians rely on.

Whether it's one of the largest telecommunication companies in North America or a municipality, RPI continues to evolve and provide essential services. We're trustedto handle some of the most challenging horizontal direction drilling projects in North America.

Industry Leading Drilling Solutions and Services

Location access presents challenges that are familiar to Rohl Projects Inc. From tight spots in the urban concrete jungle; to squeezing through forested river banks and swamps in the middle of nowhere.

From experience, we know how to anticipate and plan for difficult location access. Our innovative drilling team is always up for the challenge with safe but creative solutions for those times when the unexpected just happens.